Program Integrity
The Division of Program Integrity (DPI) is designed to oversee critical organizational functions, including the following:
- Regulation/legislative review.
- Business information/intelligence gathering, analysis and reporting.
- Contract monitoring.
- Risk management.
- Training support and facilitation.
- Oversight and monitoring for a statewide network of certified and licensed Substance Use Disorder (SUD) programs.
The Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Program Licensure Branch
The Substance Use Disorder Program Licensure Branch is a newly created branch that brings together the Department’s Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program and Narcotic Treatment Program (NTP) with the licensure of Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Entities (AODEs).
- The DUI Program is responsible for monitoring and regulating the statewide network of DUI programs licensed and certified to provide alcohol and other drug assessments, education, and treatment services to persons convicted of DUI.
- The NTP Program is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the NTPs across the Commonwealth that are licensed to provide medication-assisted treatment for individuals with an opioid use disorder.
- The Alcohol and other Drug Entity (AODE) licensure program oversees the outpatient and residential substance use disorder treatment facilities that are licensed, regulated, and inspected annually. The responsibility of AODEs was transferred over to BHDID on April 5, 2023.
The Data Analytics Branch provides oversight of application development and integration; business informatics; facility information system management, and the Electronic Medical Records project.
The branch also provides technical support to the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities and serves as the point of contact for development of technical solutions and interaction with the Commonwealth Office of Technology.
Program Support Branch
The Program Support Branch is composed of four primary work units: Contract Monitoring, Education/Event Coordination, Risk Management and Mortality Reviews, and Legislation/Regulations.
Each work unit is led by a Team Leader, and staff work cooperatively with other divisions to ensure delivery of high-quality products, accountability, and transparency that are representative of the department’s commitment to effective delivery of behavioral health, developmental and intellectual disability services to Kentuckians.
Contract Monitoring
The Program Support Branch administers the contract monitoring process to assist in assuring delivery of specified goods and services in the manner contractually specified in selected contracts each year. Reported results provide accountability to DBHDID and their contracted vendors and offer an opportunity for improvement in future policy and resource allocation decisions. Contract monitoring also improves the quality of the contract content by proposing appropriate revisions that are written in more measurable and objective descriptions of specified goods and services.
Education/Event Coordination
The Educational and Events Coordination Team coordinates and implements Department wide events and trainings which with continuing education units and are open to the general public. Determinations are issued on Provider Training Curricula for Community Support Associates, Peer Support Specialists and Targeted Case Managers to work in agencies to provide services to customers.
Risk Management & Mortality Reviews
The risk management team oversees incidents that occur in facilities involving individuals served. Risk management includes the components of effective abuse protection recommended by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS); incident investigation; tracking and trending of incidents; incident data analysis; and implementing effective actions to protect from harm those individuals served.
The mortality review team analyzes all deaths that occur both within facilities and within the community (the SCL waiver program, Michelle P Waiver program, and individuals utilizing state general funds). A five-member mortality review committee meeting meets monthly.
Open Records & Media Requests
Per KRS 61.870 individuals wishing to inspect a public record may submit an open records request by completing our Open Records Request Form
Kentucky Administrative Regulation (KAR) Filing Statements (KRS 13A.220(8))
The Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DBHDID) filed the following proposed administrative regulations or amendments with the Legislative Research Commission (LRC). New and amended regulations are available for viewing online on the LRC website.
908 KAR 1:410 Recovery housing
Filed: December 11, 2024
Summary: This administrative regulation establishes the requirements and standards for the certification of recovery houses. The proposed amendment clarifies the certification applications’ contents and process, incorporates fees for applications; introduces fines for operation of a noncertified, nonexempt recovery house; and establishes guidelines for provision of on-site medical and clinical services to recovery house residents consistent with best practices and other department regulations.
Material incorporated by reference has been filed. The KRH Application, Code of Ethics, and Attestations are all required documents that must be submitted by all entities applying for certification.
Written public comments may be submitted to through February 28, 2025. Upon request to the by February 17, 2025, a public hearing will be held February 24, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom.
The legislation/regulations team is responsible for the drafting and amendment of administrative regulations. Additionally, they process open records requests and citizen complaints.